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Querybook deeply integrations with Flask-Login. Please check the Flask-Login guide for main reference

Supported authentications

  • OAuth
  • Google OAuth
  • LDAP
  • User/Password (default)

The user/password authentication method is used by default but it cannot be integrated with your organization's current auth system. Hence for production use cases, it is recommended to use authn methods such as OAuth.

Using an existing authentication

We will go through how to setup authentication with OAuth and LDAP starting from the devserver. Before starting, you should checkout the required fields in Infra Config. All fields that starts with OAUTH_ are required for OAuth, and similarily for LDAP. For Google OAuth, only client id and client secrets are needed since other fields are provided by Google. If you need customized behavior for OAuth/LDAP, you can extend the class, see below for details.


Start by creating an OAuth client with the authentication provider (e.g. Google, Okta, GitHub). Make sure "http://localhost:10001/oauth2callback" is entered as allowed redirect uri. Once created, the next step is to change the querybook config by editing containers/bundled_querybook_config.yaml. Open that file and enter the following:

Generic OAuth

AUTH_BACKEND: 'app.auth.oauth_auth' # Same as import path when running Python
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: '---Redacted---'
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: '---Redacted---'
PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost:10001


AUTH_BACKEND: 'app.auth.google_auth'
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: '---Redacted---'
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: '---Redacted---'
PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost:10001


AUTH_BACKEND: 'app.auth.okta_auth'
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: '---Redacted---'
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: '---Redacted---'
OKTA_BASE_URL: https://[Redacted]
PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost:10001


AUTH_BACKEND: app.auth.github_auth
PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost:10001
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: '---Redacted---'
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: '---Redacted---'


AUTH_BACKEND: app.auth.azure_auth
PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost:10001
AZURE_TENANT_ID: '---Redacted---'
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: '---Redacted---'
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: '---Redacted---'


AUTH_BACKEND: 'app.auth.auth0_auth'
OAUTH_CLIENT_ID: '---Redacted---'
OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET: '---Redacted---'
AUTH0_BASE_URL: https://[Redacted].[Redacted]
PUBLIC_URL: http://localhost:10001

DO NOT CHECK IN OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET to the codebase. The example above is for testing only. For production, please use environment variables to provide this value.

Once entered, relaunch the container with docker restart querybook_web_1 and visit the localhost website. It should redirect you to the OAuth login page.


LDAP is much easier to setup compared to OAuth, put the following into containers/bundled_querybook_config.yaml:

AUTH_BACKEND: 'app.auth.ldap_auth' # Same as import path when running Python
LDAP_USER_DN: 'uid={},dc=example,dc=com'

Restart the container with docker restart querybook_web_1 and it should work.

Adding A New Authentication Method

To add a new authentication, add a new file under <project_root>/querybook/server/app/auth/ and name it <auth_method> Fundamentally every auth file should export the following 3 things:

  • login(request) (required): A function that logs in the user. One common implementation would be:
def login(request):
return login_manager.login(request)
  • init_app(app) (required): A function that initializes the authentication class. Commonly used to register any callback endpoints. One common implementation would be:
def init_app(app):
  • ignore_paths (optional, defaults to []): A list of path strings that can bypass the auth. Please put any callback urls here

Moving on to the login manager itself, you need to use the QuerybookLoginManager from auth/ as the login manager as it provides api token access. Use a class that has this login manager as a field (check as an example) if you need to initialize resources when app starts or use only functions (check as an example) if nothing needs to be initialized.


If the authentication method is too specific for your org or it has some post-authentication actions (such as adding users to a specific environment based on their permission), it is recommended to add the auth as part of the plugin. Please check the Plugin Guide to see how setup plugins. Once it is setup and running, simply put your auth code under auth_plugins/ (or any other folder, it is not an enforced restriction) and set AUTH_BACKEND='auth_plugin.<auth_module_name>' as the environment variable.