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Breaking Changes

Here are the list of breaking changes that you should be aware of when updating Querybook:


Added config WS_CORS_ALLOWED_ORIGINS to configure allowed CORS origins for WebSocket connection. This is required for Prod environment.


Upgraded langchain to 0.1.6.

  • Some langchain packages are imported from different paths, e.g. PromptTemplate is now from langchain.prompts
  • Removed StreamingWebsocketCallbackHandler to adopt the new streaming approach.


Made below changes for S3BaseExporter (csv table uploader feature):

  • Both s3_path and use_schema_location are optional now
  • If none is provided, or use_schema_location=False, the table will be created as managed table, whose location will be determined by the query engine.
  • Previously use_schema_location=True will create managed table, and now it creates external table.


Updated properties of QueryValidationResult object. line and ch are replaced with start_line and start_ch respectively.


Updated the charset of table data_element to utf8mb4. For those mysql db's default charset is not utf8, please run below sql to update it if needed.



Added two new abstract methods notify_recipients and notifier_help for BaseNotifier, which will allow a notifier to send messages to a list of recipients and provide help text for the recipients. Follow the example of SlackNotifier and EmailNotifier to implement it for your own notifier.


Added a new search index for list search (or boards search internally). Follow the instructions at Re-Initialize ElasticSearch to recreate ElasticSearch indices.


The ElasticSearch index mappings for query_cells and query_executions were updated to include fields to restrict access to queries based on datadoc access permissions. Query cells and executions on private datadocs will only be shown in query search to users that have access to these datadocs.

Follow the instructions at Re-Initialize ElasticSearch to recreate ElasticSearch indices.

Alternatively, you can run the script querybook/server/scripts/ to update only the added fields in the query indices.


There is a new field feature_params added to the query_engine table to replace status_checker. Please run db migrations for query engines to continue to work.

_perform_check in EngineStatusChecker is now deprecated. Override perform_check_with_executor for custom health check logic.


Exporters can now export all rows of statement result (limited to the size of the exporter). lib.export.exporters.gspread_exporter was updated to support exporting all rows (up to google spreadsheets limits).

  • Breaking changes:
    • custom exporter plugins will need to be updated to ensure exporter file/csv size limits are not exceeded and should be updated to use _get_statement_execution_result_iter to export full csv result
    • _get_statement_execution_result in lib.export.base_exporter.BaseExporter will be deprecated since exporters will now use _get_statement_execution_result_iter to export entire statement results
    • get_csv_iter is a new abstract method of lib.result_store.stores.BaseReader, and needs to be implemented by any classes inheriting from this


Generic OAuth flow now works with HOT-RELOAD activated (development mode).


Generic OAuth flow now works with the retrieved access_token in its 'Authorization Bearer' header parameter by default.


Query cells and query executions are now added as new indices in ElasticSearch.

Depending on your deployment of ElasticSearch, you might need to manually re-initialize the ElasticSearch to create the new query indices and bulk insert existing query cells & executions.

Follow the instructions at Re-Initialize ElasticSearch to ensure that ElasticSearch will be re-initialized in your deployment.


All optional Python dependencies are removed


If you use the public docker image on, no action is required.

To ensure the build time is scalable with the increasing amount of custom integrations, optional python packages such as pyhive (for Hive, Presto support) and oauth are removed from the default installation.

The following integrations will now require custom installation:

  • Query Engine:
    • BigQuery (google-cloud-bigquery)
    • Druid (pydruid)
    • Hive (pyhive)
    • Presto (pyhive)
    • Snowflake (snowflake-sqlalchemy)
    • Trino (trino)
  • Metastore:
    • Hive Metastore (w/ Thrift) (hmsclient)
    • Glue (boto)
  • Authentication:
    • OAuth (requests-oauthlib)
    • LDAP (python-ldap)
  • Exporter:
    • GSpread exporter (gspread)
  • Result Store:
    • AWS S3 (boto3)
    • Google GCS (google-cloud-storage)
  • Elasticsearch:
    • AWS Based (requests-aws4auth)

Even though these packages are removed from the default installation, these dependencies are quite easy to add back! Checkout the Infra Installation Guide to learn how.


Depending on deployment of Querybook, re-initialization of indices in ElasticSearch 7 cluster might be needed. Follow the instructions in Re-Initialize ElasticSearch.

Make and Docker-compose

In case some inconsistency occurs in ES indices source data in development deployment using make, or deployment using docker-compose, one can clear cached ES data by stopping and removing querybook_elasticsearch_1 container and then removing Docker volume querybook_esdata1. Next make or docker-compose will create fresh volume again.


Kubernetes base deployments that uses ElasticSearch templates as they are should work without any impact, as the volumes are always recreated with deployment of a new (updated) pod.


Now announcements have two extra fields - active_from and active_till. These fields are not required and a user can still create an announcement without these two fields and if an announcement has two one these fields and the date in these fields are not in the range, this announcement will be filtered.


Result store plugin change. Now BaseReader::get_download_url requires a custom_name field to rename the download file. You only need to add the custom_name=None in the parameters for it to work.